woensdag 6 januari 2010

Nothing a little loving won't cure

Yesterday I found this midcentury cabinet in the thriftstore. As you can see there a lot of signs of wear and tear on it, but nothing a little paint, loving and pretty paper in its drawers won't cure! I just couldn't resist taking it with me (plus it was too cheap to be true). First I was thinking about painting it in a pretty colour (mint green or yellow or light blue or pink or...) but now I wonder whether or not painting it is going to take away the authenticy... I dunno. What do you think?
Meanwhile I will have to put this project on my new to do list (from notebooksetc), until my exams are over.

2 opmerkingen:

Eyeliah zei

oh its a great lil cabinet.

la vierge noire zei

Wow, the first comment on my blog, and such a sweet one too :)! Thank you Eyeliah!